DEATH PLANET – Happy Wheels
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Steven’s Notes;
Watch Toby die, ragequit, and fail more in Happy Wheels than anyone you’ve ever seen in any other game.
This TobyGames series is a lot of fun, I hope the amount you enjoy watching him rage his face off
correlates with the amount of frustration he endured throughout this playthrough! Toby also gives
unique voices to Irresponsible Dad and Son, the Pogo Guy, and the old Wheelchair Man. These probably
aren’t their technical names, but I’m not a technician! Check out the rest of the videos in this series
And check out Toby’s animated Happy Wheels Music video parody cartoon here (from Tobuscus):
And look out for the official Happy Wheels cartoon in 2016, which is currently being developed by Toby
Turner and Jim Bonacci!
Also watch Toby attempt ‘comedy videos’ on his ‘main’ channel at
or watch him talk to his iPhone on
Toby sucks at Happy Wheels
Outro Music “Gimme That” by DJ Alex S.
Get it on iTunes!
© 2013 Tobuscus INC